Welcome and thank you for contributing to the Global River Dissolved Oxygen (GRDO) database! We are a group of river ecologists and biogeochemists interested in the spatial and temporal extent of hypoxia in rivers around the globe.
The GRDO community has contributed 648 time series data files and 58 metadata files so far!
This project got started in September 2018 at the “Respiration Regimes in River Networks: A cross-biome perspective” workshop funded by the Swiss National Foundation and the National Science Foundation Macrosystems program.
By contributing to this database, you are not only helping our current efforts in investigating global riverine hypoxia, but also contributing to a larger world-wide database of dissolved oxygen data that is publicly available (following an embargo period) called StreamPULSE. Any data uploaded to this portal can be set to have a specified embargo period before it is publicly available on StreamPULSE. We have created a separate portal to make the upload process easier for you (no username required, simpler data requirements).
Other project members include (in alphabetical order): Alice Carter (Duke University), Matthew Cohen (University of Florida), Christopher Dutton (Yale University), Lluís Gómez-Gener (Umeå University), Nancy Grimm (Arizona State University), Jud Harvey (US Geological Survey), Ashley Helton (University of Connecticut), Lauren Koenig (University of Connecticut), Francine Mejia (US Geological Survey)
Step 1: Please download and copy and paste your data into the following two templates:
Step 2: Once your template files are filled in, upload them using the buttons below.
Please contact
Joanna Blaszczak
with any questions.
We welcome inquiries into future collaborative work with the database!